Thursday, November 29, 2012

blog 14

My intro is too short it’s only a couple sentences long I need to extend it and explain the importance of MMA and how it entertains students on campus and how it may influence them to even partake in MMA on campus or close off campus. The UFC has been around for years and the sport even longer I personally participate and know professional fighters and the sport is their lives and I know it is more than just a fun thing to watch for ASU students.
My new intro:
The UFC is more the just a sport, the sport has shaped the lives of students and even taken their viewing time. The sport allows students to watch two men go at it in the ring and see who comes out. I know MMA has personally influenced me and has also influenced, my roommate we have MMA fever. Former ASU students are now professional fighters and my personal mentors. The world of MMA also keeps kids in shape and lets some stress be let out.

For my body paragraphs I need to make sure I actually incorporate an interview like in NPR I talk just about the subject the whole time and I need to interview a student or even my mma instructor who is a professional UFC fighter and see how it influenced him sense he graduated here from ASU. I should also use current students and see what they think of the UFC or how MMA may have influenced them.
My interview:
My interview needs to be more structured and actually ask questions I need to actually have a good interview not like the one I had earlier
New interview:
ME: do you know what the UFC is?
Manny: yes I do I watch all the fights
ME: would you say the UFC has influenced you here at ASU?
Manny: yes it has, because of mma I am training at AZ combat sports and I am in better shape and I have met so many cool new people and I have something to relieve the stress of the every day life at ASU.

My conclusion needs to wrap things up. I do not at the moment have a tangible conclusion but I need to write one that will really wrap the podcast up and make thank the listeners and make the essay a good one.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

blog 12

For my project I think I am going to write about the first Ultimate fighting championship. This is not only a huge thing in my life it has become one of the biggest industries and one of the most popular spectator sports in the entire world. Fighting has been around sense the beginning of time and this is the first time on US soil that all fighting styles were brought together in the same place and from there it grew to what it is today. Not only is it huge to watch people worldwide have started to fall into the mixed martial arts craze. I am one of these people everyone wants to train and be the next best big thing. The UFC has made its mark on the US and the world and has changed the culture of the US. It’s interesting to see how the UFC grew to what it is today and o see how it grew so fast. The fighters are also pretty interesting themselves because it is a spectator sport so they really make the sport more enjoyable and they make the sport what is today. Another interesting topic I could expand on is the training process and to see how long it takes for someone to go pro in the UFC.,r:4,s:0,i:164&tx=142&ty=130

Jamie Varner: Pro UFC fighter
Cliff: Pro UFC fighter

Tim Lajsik: ex UFC fighter
Trevor Lally: Owner of AZ combat sports (number 6 gym in the country) official UFC website
Estevan: pro Strike force fighter
Jeff : Owner and founder of American Pankration on ASU campus

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

blog 11

Writing project number two, When I was assigned this project I was kind of confused on what I was supposed to be writing about I didn’t know that we had to write a review like one you might see on yelp or Google. When I started to write the project I started to really enjoy it I was having a good time with it I really feel like I was able to let my creativity flow with this project and I was able to really enjoy writing for the first time in a while. I think that this project made me curious for what was to come I was excited to see if I did good on it and I was excited to see what is in store next for this class. I think that if we had more time on this assignment then we really could have had fun with it. Like I didn’t have a chance to go to many of the places in my writing project but I think with another week or so I could have visited buffalo wild wings or sun devil stadium and taken my own personal pictures and really had fun with it. The project made me really want to look up reviews for the places I go from now on because there can be a lot of really good helpful information in the reviews. I had to put sources and really look into the places and then rate them for the criteria’s I saw fit for each place. I think that if there was a cross review like a comparison on some reviews or a common criteria that all reviewers had to follow like we did then it would be a lot easier to find the best places to eat or hang out on campus.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blog 10

When you write a paper or a writing project like the one we were just assigned in class sources can make or break your paper or assignment. In our case the sources make our places on the map stick out with the sources we can back up opinion and make sure that everyone who reads our reviews knows that they are legitimate and will help people decide what they want to do and if they can trust your information and not have it all just be pulled out of nowhere. One way to do this is quote the info directly or even summarizes some of the information and then site the work at the bottom or directly after each quote. And have some context because “skilled writers know the importance of providing a context”(P. 580) in a review if you have to write a quote use it to your advantage feel free to re word and use the quote to your advantage “Modify quotations as appropriate” (582) and I agree completely with this if you are going to use a quote then make it one that gets your point across in the end and makes you look like a genius. Eighteen is very effective in helping if you really want to make a blog or put out a review of places like we just did in our second writing project. It shows how we could use page layouts and page markers to show important things and to catch a reader’s attention and make them more interested in our topics and to really get the point across in every review we have or will have to write in the future. The importance of pictures in uncanny it is the first thing besides the title that the reader will see and it is also the one thing that could keep them reading in the end. This is why we have our initial map as well as a picture on each of the slides to make them pop and to drag the readers into our reviews even deeper and deeper.
Quote citations
Palmquist, Mike. Joining the Conversation: Writing in College and beyond. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. Print.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

blog 8

Places to watch the ASU football games
1. Dorm
2. Sun Devil Stadium
3. Buffalo wild Wings
4. Vista Del Sol Theater
Food / Concessions available
Home Team Spirit
Price of admission
Visibility of the game
Direct (channels to view in dorms)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

sources blog chapter twelve you learn how to look for reliable sources and how to narrow down a search to find criteria that you actually need for your paper or whatever you need the research for. When you look for a source online make sure you look for reliable sources that are actually written by a person who has research and isn’t just posting their opinion. For example in high school I had to write a report on martin Luther king and if you search martin Luther king jr on Google one of the first results will be a website written by a white supremacist group. Therefore the website is not a reliable source. To narrow down your searches when using online sources you can use “” and it will look for specific texts online that have that phrase or word in it. Let’s say you want to find out how skateboards are made. You would look up “skateboard blueprints” or maybe “skateboard designs” and that should narrow down your sources quite a bit. You can also take the phrase apart and look up maybe the “trucks” of the board or maybe the “bearings” that go inside the wheels. Other sources that are out there are the library databases so if we stick with this idea of a skateboard you may want to search “history of the skateboard” then there will be a selection of articles that are all reliable and will have some association with the history of the skateboard. It can also show you more articles that have to do with your topic. If you continue to search your topic try to stay away from Wikipedia or blogs because the information on those can be extremely unreliable and can really ruin your entire project if you put false info into it. And don’t be afraid to actually open a book and actually look at the index of an encyclopedia and actually find a source that is definitely reliable because it would be a text source that was published and is actually in a library. text sources are probably the most reliable and most helpful sources and will never steer you wrong of you want to really have reliable sources that you can always come back to the old fashioned book it will always help you out.  And please don’t make the same mistake I once made take note of all your sources you will need to go back to them later and may even need them in the future.